Mumbai Colleges Management Quota Direct MBA Admission
We not only provide admittance assistance for M.B.A direct admission through manage ment quota in top institutes of Pune but also encourage the candidates so that they can develop their interpersonal skills which would help for their education and career growth.
This is the perfect time to start your career in Dream College, Because of that, you can work with the leading business in the industry. We will focus Mumbai Colleges Management Quota Direct MBA Admission for 2024 Academic Year. Less Seats and Register as soon as possible.
Call us for more details are available with us for genuine enquiries and book your manage-ment Quota seat in institutes. Contact Ace1Guru Visit our website – for more enquiries, Call @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)
Post Graduate Diploma in Manage ment or PGDM

PGDM expands to Post Graduate Diploma in Management, the confusion starts when you see the term Diploma. Many students are of the view that it is a Diploma course and not a Degree; you are right to an extent that it is a Diploma. Typically if any PGDM is to be equivalent to M.B.A then the course duration should be 2 years, a 1 year PGDM will not be equal to M.B.A course.
The main reason why postgraduate courses are named as PGDM is that when an Institute is an autonomous body (meaning it is not affiliated to any University) and conducts management courses then such Institutes cannot offer M.B.A degree. Even IIMs, XLRI’s doesn’t offer M.B.A degrees they only give PGP Diploma or PGDM since they are autonomous and independent bodies.
When an Institute secures autonomy they design their own curriculum to be taught instead of following outdated University syllabus. The reason why they chose to do is that the curriculum can be updated regularly depending on the need in Industry. Hence one can say that PGDM courses are more Industry relevant as compared to M.B.A courses.
Institutes which offer AICTE approved courses will also offer PGDM not M.B.A, for example, XYZ College is affiliated to ABC University they offer M.B.A course affiliated to that University, the same college is offering AICTE approved course it means they are offering PGDM which is not linked to ABC University.
Click: SCMHRD Pune Direct MBA Admission 2019 Batch
Master of Business Administration or M.B.A
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A two year manage ment degree expands to Master of Business Administration, only Universities can grant M.B.A degrees. It could be foreign university or Indian University.
Further enlightenment
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Let us help you understand the basic difference between the two in India-:
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- Only universities can offer M.B.A: In India only those management institutes which are affiliated to a university can offer an M.B.A degree. For this reason institutes like NIMT Institute of Hospital & Pharma Manage ment and NIMT Institute of Management can offer M.B.A degree, as they are affiliated with Mahamaya Technical University and Rajasthan Technical University respectively. (Enroll for Mumbai Colleges Management Quota Direct MBA Admission 2020 Session)Institutes which are not affiliated to the university are autonomous and can offer PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Manage ment) degree. However, these programs are approved by regulatory bodies such as AICTE.
- The difference in focus of curriculum: While there are huge similarities in the curriculum of both M.B.A and PGDM, there are finer points of difference. While M.B.A focuses more on theoretical aspects of management and is more exam-oriented, PGDM has a focus on building soft skills and is industry-oriented. It prepares you for the job market.
- Curriculum of PGDM is flexible: Since an autonomous institute does not have to follow university standards, it is free to change its curriculum according to industry standards and change in business environment. Also a PGDM gives you an industry exposure. Whereas it will take time to change the curriculum for M.B.As as it is affiliated with a university and it will essentially follow the university guidelines and changing this curriculum is a very slow process.
- B.As are more affordable: In compared to PGDM, generally M.B.As are more affordable as the fees is almost similar to university standard.
- Difference in focus: An M.B.A will help in developing technical skills and business knowledge whereas a PGDM will prepare graduates for senior level positions in industry and paves the way for a strong corporate career. Hence, if you’re looking for a career in the challenging area of manage ment, you should go for PGDM.
Refer: Direct MBA Admission in SIBM Pune 2024 Batch
M.B.A vs. PGDM: Understanding the Difference
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With the rise of corporate culture as well as encouragement to entrepreneurship in India, more and more students are opting for manage ment studies. There is no dearth of institutes and universities offering postgraduate programs in manage ment. In fact, Delhi & the NCR regions have close to 3,500 manage ment institutes offering a wide range of courses all under the same academic bracket – M.B.A in Delhi. However, Indian students often find themselves faced with the choice of two such courses, namely M.B.A and PGDM.
How it Impacts You Professionally
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In India, as well as overseas, both M.B.A and PGDM courses are regarded as having equal value when it comes to career prospects. Having a PG diploma instead of a degree is certainly not considered to be a drawback. In fact, it is the reputation of your university or institute and more importantly, your professional capabilities that truly matter. Now that you have a better understanding about the differences between the two programs, evaluate the courses and choose as per your academic and professional preferences.
Check out popular posts on M.B.A here:
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- One year M.B.A vs 1 year Full time M.B.A
- Advantages of one year M.B.A in India
- Difference between PGDM & an Executive M.B.A
- Executive M.B.A in Delhi
- Rise of Diverse Manage ment Courses in India
Enroll for Mumbai Colleges Management Quota Direct MBA Admission 2024 Session, Contact Ace1Guru Visit our website- and for more enquiries, Contact @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra) || 9742886036 (Anis) || 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)