Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS

Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS

Need Direct MBA Management Quota Admission in TISS Mumbai? No need to worry! Ace1Guru which is one of the best and top most Education Consultancy in Bangalore helps you get into the institution without any hurdle. Ace1Guru is an Education Consultancy firm that stepped in to offer help with admissions to struggling students in need.

Often, students are unaware of the requisite fees when it comes to getting a seat through the management quota. Get in touch with us for Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS

Contact Ace1Guru @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 9742886036 (Anis), 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)

Final Selection Weightage After TISSNET, GD & PI

  • Post TISSNET/TISSMAT exam performance and GD & PI round, the merit list will be prepared on the basis of merit and the preferences indicated by the candidates at the time of filling up the TISSNET 2021 online application form.
  • Based on the merit list for each program, the list of selected candidates will be put up on the TISS website.
  • Each candidate will also receive his/her TISSNET 2021 scorecard indicating the marks for each component of the examination process.
  • The weightage for different components is as follows for the preparation of final merit lists for the candidates
  • TISS-MAT Score will be considered along with Stage 2 of the admission process and thus will be considered only for those who are shortlisted for Stage 2. TISS-MAT Score will be aggregated with the score of PIT and PI in the following manner to arrive at the final score for selection.
TISS Final Merit List Weightage Components Percentage of Weightage awarded in final admission offer
TISS-MAT 2021  30%
PIT/GD  40%
Personal Interview (PI)  30%
Total 100%

Top 10 Advantages of MBA

  1. Increased self-confidence

One study surveyed MBA graduates about their perceived financial and non-financial costs and benefits of their professional degree. Surprisingly, increased confidence was one of the highest-weighing and most important nonfinancial benefits of earning an MBA degree.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

The feeling of accomplishment and the education and skillsets gained by earning this degree can improve anyone’s confidence as they make their way through the business world—and through life. By earning this degree while also balancing work, family, social life, and other personal commitments (and not losing your sanity) you will find an immense sense of reward and personal achievement.

  1. Credibility

There are different ways you can establish credibility in your firm and in your industry. You could volunteer for a project at work that stretches you beyond your comfort zone and shows off your hidden talents to company management. You could begin a solo side business or co-found one with family or friends to establish early credibility as a budding entrepreneur. But the academic version of street cred in the business world is the MBA degree.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Transferable skills

Much of the knowledge and hard and soft skills you gain from earning your MBA is applicable across many industries. You become more skilled and versatile regardless of your industry or job title thanks to widely applicable qualities like leadership, critical and analytical thinking, creativity, and communication. Unlike career-specific advanced degrees like a teaching credential or a medical degree, an MBA can transfer easily to many industries and offer you a wide array of careers throughout your life.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Curiosity

MBA graduates often possess an innate and insatiable curiosity. They know there is always something more to learn, and they endeavor to learn it. Earning the degree hones their ability to dig into competitive analyses, study emerging industries, and stay on top of all the newest developments, technologies, and trends in their industry. As Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Strategic thinking

The strategic thinking skills you learn while earning your MBA are not only applicable in the business world but across various areas of your life such as your personal goals and finances. You’ll be able to think outside-the-box and weigh multiple options or solutions in your mind while you work to fix a problem.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Better communication

MBA graduates often find themselves communicating better at work with colleagues, bosses, or employees. But these communication skills can also apply at home with your significant other, kids, parents, or siblings, as well as in social situations such as networking events or company functions. Being a better communicator is essential in everyday life, no matter where or when you communicate your needs and ideas for solutions.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Self-discipline

To earn your MBA degree, you have to attend classes and study sessions, complete assignments on time, and push yourself to work through rigorous, complex coursework. Possibly, you have to do this while you continue to work. All of this takes a level of self-discipline that you may not take to naturally, but can cultivate with time and effort while working through the MBA program.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Better time management

A side effect of better self-discipline is the ability to better manage time. That could mean better understanding of your capabilities for producing work in an allotted time so you don’t overextend yourself, burn yourself out, or overcommit and underdeliver. It could also mean being more efficient during work hours to get more done in less time or with less effort.

** Final Selection Weightage for Direct Admission in TISS **

  1. Broader worldview

While earning your MBA, you address big business issues and real-world business challenges which hones your ability to look beyond your role and see how organizations operate as a whole. This also increases your exposure to diverse perspectives on global, social, and business issues as you collaborate with students whose backgrounds, experiences, and career goals differ from yours.

  1. Network of colleagues

While earning your MBA, you come into contact with faculty and fellow students, and alumni of the program who begin to form—or add to your existing—network of colleagues. These include people both within your industry and outside of it and are often spread out across the world, which can translate to promising opportunities in the future.

Contact Ace1Guru @ 9742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 9742886036 (Anis), 9035556036 (Mayur Gautam)

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