MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business
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What is International Business Management?
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
The supervision of business operations for an organization that conducts business in more than one country. International supervision requires knowledge and skills above and beyond normal business expertise, such as familiarity with the business regulations of the nations in which the organization operates, understanding of local customs and laws, and the capability to conduct transactions that may involve multiple currencies.
Today, every business is going to expand itself in International market. It is the age of competition and everyone is trying to adopt the money-making technique. To recognize yourself in International market is one of the factors that show you are in a race. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
Many industries and organization are hiring the Graduates of “International Business” to represent their company and business with sound and practical knowledge.
For Details Contact Ace1Guru on 09742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 09742886036 (Anis), 09035556036 (Mayur Gautam) or visit for further details.
Why choose international business?
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
‘In an ever-changing global business and economic environment, studying business from an international perspective is vital for graduates who are ambitious to work across international boundaries and cultures,’
In a nutshell, students need to develop a global mind-set in order to be successful in business. Studying international business allows you to see how globalisation has brought about an increasing ‘connectedness’ of businesses, markets, people and information across countries. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
‘Working across countries is a necessity for most firms today. Hence, there is a growing need for business and managerial graduates with an international perspective, who are capable of operating effectively in a globalised world. This concerns not only senior managers, but employees at all levels that have to interact with international customers and suppliers, partners, or international colleagues. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
What you’ll learn?
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- Analytical tools for understanding the rapidly changing and dynamic global political economy.
- Effective communication strategies for interpersonal encounters.
- To explore the mix of organizational practices and people skills essential for sustaining competitive advantage globally. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- To understand how value is created via customer relationships and their strategic implications in the context of competitor and value-chain contexts.
- Skills, mind-set, and understanding of how to be successful in a globalized marketplace.
For Details Contact Ace1Guru on 09742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 09742886036 (Anis), 09035556036 (Mayur Gautam)or visit for further details.
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
The IBM M.B.A is designed to meet increasing demand from Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates who wish to gain technical knowledge and practical skills for conducting international business. The program’s emphasis on strategy and competitive intelligence provides students the scope necessary for executive positions in this field.
The general thrust of this M.B.A is on building technical knowledge, linguistic fluency and intercultural skills.
Notions of accountability, teamwork and project supervision in an intercultural context are emphasized, helping students develop the qualities required to excel in the international business arena.
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- Export corporate director
- Export director ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- Export Area director
- International project manager
- International division manager
- International Buyer
- Sales manager ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- International sales manager
- International Development coordinator
- Consultant in International Trade
For Details Contact Ace1Guru on 09742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 09742886036 (Anis), 09035556036 (Mayur Gautam) or visit for further details.
The Scopes of M.B.A of International Business Programs
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
M.B.A of international business programs require 3 years to complete. These programs are offered by campus based as well as online institutes. You can also go for part time M.B.A or EMBA if you wish to earn this academic recognition more quickly. Some of the courses covered in M.B.A of International business programs include:
- Leadership ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- Communication
- Marketing
- Finance ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- Management
- International trade basics
- International monetary systems
- International law
- International trade
- Strategic alliances ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
- Joint ventures with foreign firms
4 Types of International Business: Are you ready to Start?
( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
Exporting is often the first choice when manufacturers decide to expand abroad. Simply stating, exporting means selling abroad, either directly to target customers or indirectly by retaining foreign sales agents or/and distributors. Either case, going abroad through exporting has minimal impact on the firm’s human resource supervision because only a few, if at all, of its employees are expected to be posted abroad. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
Licensing: ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
Licensing is another way to expand one’s operations internationally. In case of international licensing, there is an agreement whereby a firm, called licensor, grants a foreign firm the right to use intangible (intellectual) property for a specific period of time, usually in return for a royalty. Licensing of intellectual property such as patents, copyrights, manufacturing processes, or trade names abound across the nations. The Indian basmati (rice) is one such example.
Franchising: ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
Closely related to licensing is franchising. Franchising is an option in which a parent company grants another company/firm the right to do business in a prescribed manner. Franchising differs from licensing in the sense that it usually requires the franchisee to follow much stricter guidelines in running the business than does licensing. Further, licensing tends to be confined to manufacturers, whereas franchising is more popular with service firms such as restaurants, hotels, and rental services. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
One does not have to look very far to see how important franchising business is to companies here and abroad. At present, the prominent examples of the franchise agreements in India are Pepsi Food Ltd., Coca-Cola, Wimpy’s Damino, McDonald, and Nirula. In USA, one in 12 business establishments is a franchise.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
Foreign direct investment refers to operations in one country that ire controlled by entities in a foreign country. In a sense, this FDI means building new facilities in other country. In India, a foreign direct investment means acquiring control by more than 74% of the operation. This limit was 50% till the financial year 2001-2002.
There are two forms of direct foreign investment: joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidiaries. A joint venture is defined as “the participation of two or more companies jointly in an enterprise in which each party contributes assets, owns the entity to some degree, and shares risk”. In contrast, a wholly-owned subsidiary is owned 100% by the foreign firm. ( MBA Admission Management Quota in International Business )
For Details Contact Ace1Guru on 09742479101 (Ankit Mishra), 09742886036 (Anis), 09035556036 (Mayur Gautam) or visit for further details.